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Discover Comprehensive Therapy Services at Step Stone Therapy

Step Stone Therapy is a trusted private clinic offering a wide range of therapy services for children, including speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, augmentative communication, and feeding therapy. Our dedicated team provides diagnostic evaluations, personalized treatment plans, and expert consultation services.

Speech Therapist: Unlocking Communication Skills

When your child faces communication difficulties, our speech therapists are here to help. With expertise in diagnosing and treating various speech, language, voice, and swallowing disorders, they develop tailored treatment plans. They also provide valuable support and guidance to families, helping them cope with challenges and promote effective communication at home. Visit www.asha.org to learn more about speech and language disorders.

Occupational Therapist: Empowering Daily Life Skills

If your child struggles with movement, sensory sensitivities, or adaptive behaviors, our occupational therapists can make a difference. They evaluate and enhance a child's ability to engage in daily activities. Through personalized interventions and collaboration with parents and caregivers, our therapists promote healthy development, establish essential skills, and modify environments for better participation. Find out more about occupational therapy at http://www.aota.org/about-occupational-therapy.asp.

Experience the transformative power of therapy at Step Stone Therapy. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and provide your child with the support they deserve.